Trade Copier Implementation

I'm a big fan of MW, and its my goto platform, anyday everyday. But with all the problems with the trade copier I just gave up on that feature long time ago. I use QT for Copytrading and its like day and night for me. But I still use MW for everything else.
I have run into that issue as well. What I've noticed is that the DOM will still show a position at the bottom where it says "Pos:" then + or - whatever position you're in even after you've closed the trade. It's a bit tricky but not too difficult to catch after you recognize that it does sometimes happen because you will notice that when you've closed the position from the DOM, nothing seems to happen when it should have closed the trade. The remedy I've found is to go to the 'accounts' tab, right click 'accounts' to show the pop-up menu, then select 'refresh.' If I remember correctly, when it happens to me, the 'open positions' tab and 'active tab' do not show any open positions, only the 'account' tab and the DOM; so this is another clue NOT to use the trade order buttons to try to close the trade since it will result in taking an opposite position. Either refresh (best option) or restart the software to get rid of the "phantom" position.

View attachment 2164

These bugs are very unfortunate to have to deal with in a fast moving market. Once volatility increases again it will be difficult to manage and we're likely to hear about more complaints.
I have the same issue with trade copier and the break even button
Has anyone tried to use Trade Copier with an active strategy? I have been testing a strategy I built using Strategy from Trading Indicators and it has been working well trading an IB and Rithmic account simultaneously using both ES and NQ. Both paper accounts since I'm testing right now. Last night I set up a Trade Copier account and entered a trade with an exit strategy with two targets and two stops that executed as expected including moving stops and targets and flattening and cancelling the bracket exit orders. This morning I tried it with my automated strategy pointing to the Trade Copier account and the entry trade failed. I'm waiting to hear back from Jason at MW about using Trade Copier with MW strategies and just thought I would also ask here. I'm sure I'll hear from Jason tomorrow.
Can the devs at MW please implement a method to trade copy between sub accounts for Apex or Leeloo users (which are many of us) under a single rithmic account? It would literally be life changing. Similar to Apex Trade Copier for Ninjatrader. If someone can develop this I will throw you my entire account and start over. lol
I am interested let me know about it
I am interested let me know about it
I use The Trading Pit which may have a different setup on Rithmic than Apex or Leeloo. I have one Rithmic login and under that I have multiple Rithmic accounts. Each of those show up on MW and I can use them on the trade copier. Maybe they are not the subaccounts you are asking about.
I'm a big fan of MW, and its my goto platform, anyday everyday. But with all the problems with the trade copier I just gave up on that feature long time ago. I use QT for Copytrading and its like day and night for me. But I still use MW for everything else.
Which problems are you referring to?
QT has no cross trading functionality, right?
E.g. trade 1 ES on the master account and 5 MES on the slave account?
Which problems are you referring to?
QT has no cross trading functionality, right?
E.g. trade 1 ES on the master account and 5 MES on the slave account?
QT has no cross trading but that's no issue for me since I only use it for order placement. When it comes to MW there has been order related problems over the copied accounts, many of which are described on this forum. I just don't have them on QT.
I'm experiencing a similar but slightly different issue - - adjusting a stop order in a trade copier account only moves the stop for the lead account but not the follower account.

Say I take a long position in a copier account (with 2 accounts) then manually place a stop order via the DOM. Then, I manually adjust the stop to a different price in the copier account (by dragging the order) and the adjustment only happens in the lead account but not the follower account. The stop remains unadjusted and stays at the previous location in the follower account.

It happens reliably, every time (rather than seemingly spontaneously like I've experienced with other issues of the trade copier such as when flattening it can fail to flatten positions in some of the trade copier linked accounts).

I captured a short, 45 second video to demonstrate this simple bug in the trade copier. Here is the link:

(It is published as unlisted so only people who have the link can view it. Just want to be clear that MotiveWave is great software so not trying to cause issues by making it public.)

If MotiveWave were to dial in the trade copier feature and then create a video release demonstrating reliable functionality I believe they would draw many more customers since it would then be a great platform to use for funded-account/online prop traders and also for professional account managers that are managing futures positions across multiple accounts. Traders want to save money by not having to pay for multiple platforms so if MotiveWave can provide reliable trade-copier functionality it could incentivize traders to use MotiveWave to save from having to pay for separate charting and execution platforms. Also, having one front-end platform to both execute and chart from saves screen-space and simplifies the workspace.
I am having very similar issue. I am placing trades through the trade panel next to the chart, limit orders with attached stop and limit exit orders. When I move stops or exits, only the lead account is modified, all slaves do not change.

Trading 15 accounts through a copier.. is a pain to modify every single one manually afterwards, practically unusable.
I am having very similar issue. I am placing trades through the trade panel next to the chart, limit orders with attached stop and limit exit orders. When I move stops or exits, only the lead account is modified, all slaves do not change.

Trading 15 accounts through a copier.. is a pain to modify every single one manually afterwards, practically unusable.
I use the trade copier on 3-5 accounts. If I add a stop/target manually it only hits the lead account. Most of the time I use exit strategies to add brackets if not on the initial order and those seem to attach and copy OK. I have found in a very fast market that occasionally only the lead account gets executed because the market moves away before the copy trades are executed. This is very rare, but I have had it happen particularly if I try for an entry right at the market in NQ or MNQ. Otherwise my trades, stops and targets seem to follow like they should although I do watch to make sure. I use the DOM.
Quantower is cheaper than MW but their trade copier supports multiple connections from multiple brokers. I am considering buying Quantower only for this feature. What a shame............... :(
Quantower is cheaper than MW but their trade copier supports multiple connections from multiple brokers. I am considering buying Quantower only for this feature. What a shame............... :(
I have used the MW trade copier with Rithmic and IB at the same time. I have the Ultimate version of MW that allows multiple broker connections in a single workspace.
I have used the MW trade copier with Rithmic and IB at the same time. I have the Ultimate version of MW that allows multiple broker connections in a single workspace.
Topstep and Apex are both Rithmic and unlike Quantower, more than one Rithmic connection is not supported yet in MW.
Topstep and Apex are both Rithmic and unlike Quantower, more than one Rithmic connection is not supported yet in MW.
Understood. I learned the same thing about two Rithmic connections but that was a temporary need in my case.
So... I came to the same workaround as mentioned above on my own, using MW to place orders and QT copy trading to replicate where I need to. The issue is, my current live account is with Tradestation, which is not supported by QT. So I have to use MW trade copier when I want a trade to go to my live account as well. Almost every time, I'm facing an issue of phantom orders, where some orders either remain on follower accounts, or trade copier account showing orders on the dom that can't be cancelled ("not a valid order"), or part of the bracket remains after flattening - all sorts of weird stuff. Are there any guidelines on how to make copy trader work between tradestation and rithmic? I changed all my brackets in MW ATMs to MIT, but this doesn't seem to help much.
Just had to bail out of what would otherwise have been a 15-point trade on ES due to copy trader walking out the door on me. Using market orders to entry/exit, and simple stop with no brackets - how much easier does it have to be to work error-free?? How do I contact support?
Just had to bail out of what would otherwise have been a 15-point trade on ES due to copy trader walking out the door on me. Using market orders to entry/exit, and simple stop with no brackets - how much easier does it have to be to work error-free?? How do I contact support?
Did you find out how to fix this?
Support is available at
Did you find out how to fix this?
Support is available at
Not really. It might be due to Tradestation API issues, which is an issue independent of copy trader, but impacts copy trader functionality. I moved away from Tradestation to IronBeam with Rithmic connection. However, since MW doesn't allow simultaneous Rithmic connections, have to rely on Quantower copy trader. And hate it because of the synchronization delays MW->Rithmic->Quantower. It's seconds/milliseconds, but this is often enough for accounts to get totally out of sync. Would love to see multiple Rithmic connections in Motivewave