I'm experiencing a similar but slightly different issue - - adjusting a stop order in a trade copier account only moves the stop for the lead account but not the follower account.
Say I take a long position in a copier account (with 2 accounts) then manually place a stop order via the DOM. Then, I manually adjust the stop to a different price in the copier account (by dragging the order) and the adjustment only happens in the lead account but not the follower account. The stop remains unadjusted and stays at the previous location in the follower account.
It happens reliably, every time (rather than seemingly spontaneously like I've experienced with other issues of the trade copier such as when flattening it can fail to flatten positions in some of the trade copier linked accounts).
I captured a short, 45 second video to demonstrate this simple bug in the trade copier. Here is the link:
(It is published as unlisted so only people who have the link can view it. Just want to be clear that MotiveWave is great software so not trying to cause issues by making it public.)
If MotiveWave were to dial in the trade copier feature and then create a video release demonstrating reliable functionality I believe they would draw many more customers since it would then be a great platform to use for funded-account/online prop traders and also for professional account managers that are managing futures positions across multiple accounts. Traders want to save money by not having to pay for multiple platforms so if MotiveWave can provide reliable trade-copier functionality it could incentivize traders to use MotiveWave to save from having to pay for separate charting and execution platforms. Also, having one front-end platform to both execute and chart from saves screen-space and simplifies the workspace.