What has just happened??!!!??!!


Active member
May 26, 2023
I had stops on every trade... I hit flatten all and cancel all and it still kept my trade going unbeknownst to me... Just KILLED BOTH of my accounts!!!!! HELP!!!! This has happened multiple times today!!!!!!!!!
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@gooby321 It's happened multiple times to me today... I even posted about it on a thread at 8:22AM pst.... It's blown my mind and my accounts.
I had stops on every trade... I hit flatten all and cancel all and it still kept my trade going unbeknownst to me... Just KILLED BOTH of my accounts!!!!! HELP!!!! This has happened multiple times today!!!!!!!!!

Did it not work to flatten out from RTrader as well? Just wondering if its a MotiveWave or Rithmic issue.
Did it not work to flatten out from RTrader as well? Just wondering if its a MotiveWave or Rithmic issue.
I did not even get that far.... Didn't even know I was in a trade. I went to place a trade and it gave me the dreaded Admin ONLY... That's when I went to go check out Rithmic and saw both my accounts DEAD.... This could be my fault. I just don't know where that went wrong today.... EDIT 1 Minute later: I actually don't think this is my fault... I think I was down 200 for the day at the time of my last trade in which I took PROFIT...
ouch, that hurts.

i just bought MW today to use with Rithmic on TopStep... your post is not making me feel good about my decision.
I'm waiting to hear back from the support team at MotiveWave.... They were VERY quick in getting back to me as soon as I emailed them. They asked for the logs(keystokes and clicks). Hopefully it gets figured out quickly..
ouch, that hurts.

i just bought MW today to use with Rithmic on TopStep... your post is not making me feel good about my decision.
its happened a few times in the past but went away for a very long time so i assumed it was fixed, but today it popped back up.
Did it not work to flatten out from RTrader as well? Just wondering if its a MotiveWave or Rithmic issue.
When it happened to me I was able to flatten in RTrader without issue. Luckily the trade kept going in my direction and I actually made a few extra bucks but this could really hurt someone. Not sure if it is Rithmic or MW but as partners they need to figure it out together and get it resolved.
It hasn't killed accounts for me; occasionally, flattening hasn't worked. In that case, I flatten in R-Trader.

I'm not saying this is the case in your instance, I'm just guessing here for troubleshooting's sake, if you are on Apex or a firm with similar rules, you can still fail your account and blow up, even if you're only $200 down. That unrealized trailing drawdown gets a lot of people, and you can only see that in R-Trader, not MotiveWave. It's worth checking that's not the reason you got the Admin Only message. As a rule of thumb, if you're doing prop firm challenges, you must have R-Trader open to be safe.

I check that constantly... Thanks for the time taken to write that out though @itradefutures ...
Allways, Allways have Rithmic Rtrader open and run motivewave in plug in mode. Check your positions in R trader, for most of the time atleast for me you will see something is wrong, since you get timeout errors.
@MrSharky It signs me out of MotiveWave when I sign into Rithmic.. It's one or the other..
You need to run Rtrader in plugin mode. The advantage of running Rithmic is that you can have one connection and multiple software using same connection simultaneously, but for it to work you need to run rtRader in plug in mode.