what are other TD Ameritrade users doing to get their Real Time data for motive now that they have migrated to schwab who doesnt have a relationship w

randy jones

Nov 25, 2020
what are other TD Ameritrade users doing to get their Real Time data for motive now that they have migrated to schwab who doesnt have a rel/ationship w/ motive wave
+1 In same boat..... Motivewave Team: please advise as to when connection will be restored after Schwab acquisition. This is not "new" news as this acquisition was announced some time ago. Surprised that there has been no feedback from you as to what is being done and associated timing.
I just switched over to Tradestation. At least I don't get all the noise in the bars (especially during extended hours) with Tradestation that I got with TDA.
FYI to all Jason at MV support has advised me that Schwab has NOT released their new API yet. which is some type of authorization to the softwre types. Motive's Development team is in contact with them, so as soon as it is available it will be implemented into MotiveWave.
he says There is no way into your Schwab account with a third party platform at this time.

he says At this point in time recommends using a secondary broker/data connection if you want to continue to use motivewave.
, which is what u smart people have alreasdy done
This is BS. I paid GOOD MONEY for the full MW version. Now, it is unusable. I would switch to TradeStation, but I live in Canada, and TS is not available here.
This is BS. I paid GOOD MONEY for the full MW version. Now, it is unusable. I would switch to TradeStation, but I live in Canada, and TS is not available here.
How is this MW fault, since its Schwab that controls who can and can not connect to their services.
MW at fault for not giving its TDA clients "NOTICE, advanced" that Schwab wasnt cooperaqting with MW allowing users to seek other data provider
Not all users were migrated with Schwab/TDA yet. I know that I will not be migrated till sometime next year and my data currently works.

I did open accounts with IBKR for their margin rates. Schwab/TDA has horrid margin rates. That and fills have gone downhill since roughly the pandemic. my guess is due to PFOF... not to mention lag under heavy load.

I am a long time ToS user and wrote or heavily modified most of the tools that I use daily. ToS is long in the tooth, but super easy to script for with a little digging.

...It is sad to see a great company (TDA) get taken over by a just ok company (looking at you Chuck)...

I am glad I found this thread as I did not know that there was going to be an issue at the time of transition.

FWIW- I currently use CQG data for futures. And TDA and IBKR for stocks, etc. Neither of which are as fast as my CQG feed (and my old Denali feed on Sierra). ToS data, while free, it's not the best And can throw studies off with their dirty data.

Well it looks like I will be giving TradeStation a visit soon to make up for the loss of TDA... ugh.
I transferred my TD account after I heard they were going to schwab....
Tired of the BS....
Anyone investigated Tradier? The choices for affordable (meaning free, as was TDA with a TDA account) real-time stock data appear very limited. Too bad MW can't link up with Worden Bros and TC2000. Or Fidelity.

UPDATE: I signed up for a free account with Tradier and I seem to be getting real-time data even though I have yet to fund my account. I can't seem to get quotes for the XAU index, but other than that, things seem to work. Intraday quotes don't seem to be for as long a time range as what I got with TDA, but that's life. I don't know why Schwab and MW can't get things straightened out - it's been a long time this has been going on. Who is the stubborn/incompetent party, I wonder?
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This is BS. I paid GOOD MONEY for the full MW version. Now, it is unusable. I would switch to TradeStation, but I live in Canada, and TS is not available here.
Interactive brokers is available.
Interactive brokers is available.
I think your choices are Tradier and/or Google (for stocks, which seem to have a limited number of free connections to get stock quotes from. Apparently there are many more futures traders than stock traders). Yes, this has been very disappointing.

A very worst case scenario is, depending on your needs, set up MW so you can import CSV files with data. You can get a free API key from various places in order to access their API system to get data and download it to your computer. Then you link MW to those downloaded CSV files. If I did not have Tradier or Google, that is what I would do. I have to do that now with XAU because neither Tradier nor Google can fetch quotes for that symbol through MW. Makes no sense to me why XAU doesn't work, but that is the reality.
Any indication from Schwab about active effort on this? Saw a brief mention of it on Trading Indicators Discord channel last week but no deets.
It appears that Schwab has now completed its API service, and I am able to provide access to the link from MotiveWave. However, the MW side of it is not yet fully working. I am told from tech support that there is no committed date yet for completion. But at least there seems to be progress given the Schwab interface now being listed as a connection source on MW.
It appears that Schwab has now completed its API service, and I am able to provide access to the link from MotiveWave. However, the MW side of it is not yet fully working. I am told from tech support that there is no committed date yet for completion. But at least there seems to be progress given the Schwab interface now being listed as a connection source on MW.
I do not see Schwab listed on this page - https://motivewave.com/connections.htm

Where do I look to find it?
Set up a workspace and configure it. When you try to add a connection, you will see Schwab on the list of connection services, where TDA is also still listed.
Set up a workspace and configure it. When you try to add a connection, you will see Schwab on the list of connection services, where TDA is also still listed.
Thank you. And as you said, neither is operational at present.