Strategy Builder.


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2020
Has anyone purchased the strategy builder from Danial Sinning @ Trade indicators?
I have had some work done by Daniel and he is top notch.
I just can't pull the trigger on this one ....Yet... ;-)
I wouldn’t.
Look at the videos even though it’s a good idea 👍🏼 we don’t know how you can use it on your every day trading.
I guess the UI even though it looks amazing do you think it works perfectly fine?
Seems like they added like 20+ buttons or so

In their defense it is a very ambitious project
It would be nice if MW had an easier interface for crating trading studies and strategies.
I am definetly not java
But that other software has like 20 buttons in one GUI that might need a learning curve and I how do you know if it works as good as it sounds
you could probably ask for a trial and run a strategy through a series of back tests in a different market regimes. it is typical to see a strategy with a bunch of settings for its fine-tuning.

I like it! I've been using it for my live daytrading with Motivewave. It is very responsive and works with most indicators available in the platform. It's simple to use depending how complicated you want to make your strategy. They have done a lot of improvements and updates since it's first launch. They do continue to update requests as they go.
Thank you designer01.
What kind of strategies have you been working with?
Also do they autostrade for you?
Hi John, Yes they do auto trade just like any of the MotiveWave default strategies.
I created strategies based on VWAP and ATR trailing stops. It is actually very simple just take any indicator from Motivewave and create your entries and exits based on them. There is a quick video demonstration here.

I've been used ng this for a while and I like it. You can pretty much us all indicators that are displaying information in the data window. The 2 big things that need improvement for me are:
1. You can only have all your conditions either AND or OR, many times you need a combination of the 2 of them. That is not available for now.
2. There is a problem with multiple contracts if by any chance they are filled at different prices. The strategy won't create stops orders.
That’s the problem a marketing page with non mentions of bugs. Is there a page with a list of bugs or request to fix bugs?
For fixes and update requests you can email them directly to their technical support email address.