Yes I consider myself what Jim Dalton would call a "fast trader" which is another way of calling it a modern day "scalper" so I rely pretty heavily on order flow tools and ability to navigate quickly.Im glad to hear ur experience,actually the trading field has many probs with mac,u have strong expensive machines that too bad cant deal with order flow package,thts bad, for me yea i only use simple tools and im scalper i need speed machine,i like mac'os system and i want to switch to it but its confusing to do so for trading after hearing ur exp, im not ready to have the same bcs im trading with prop firm,u know not like when u own an account for urslf so ill upgrade and stick with 600$ 800$ windows lap
However, in all fairness, one of my coaches who's a great successful 20 year veteran traders uses MW on a Mac and has no issues pulling money out of the markets every week.
When I'm honest with myself, me succeeding or failing as a trader has more to do with me executing properly than what computer/OS I use. So if you are truly interested in using the macOS, which I definitely understand, then don't let my experience sway you.
I use macOS for EVERYTHING else and mac is just a much better experience in my day to day activity and other business.
I could also say that having a separate computer with a different operating system for trading does help me better compartmentalize and structure my days...i.e. my "trading time" is done on the "trading computer" and once i switch it off and go to my mac, then I can focus on my other business without feeling tempted to "take a peek" at markets when I'm not supposed to.
Anyway, hopefully this helps, and as I said, my coach who pulls money out of the markets consistently trading large contract sizes on ES has only ever used MW on Mac and he has ZERO complaints, and the pain of switching to Windows when he's already profitable and comfortable with the MW experience mac isn't necessarily going to cause him to make more money, so there's no true justification I suppose.
Also, the more I think about it, MW lag on mac become a much more noticeable issue when I moved up to 4k monitors, so there's a case for you getting a mac if you're going to stick with 1440p resolution or lower for your monitor. If you want to use 4k monitors, then that's where the question of going mac vs windows becomes a bigger thing to contemplate, until JavaFX supports metal.
So to recap, if you use MW on mac with a 1440p resolution monitor and simply never allow yourself to experience it on windows, and are using a simple strategy that doesn't really require you to quickly drag charts around with all kinds of intense calculating studies such as Cumulative Delta or TPO charts, then it could be totally fine sticking with the mac, and hopefully one day JavaFX will support metal.
Either way, the apple machines have a 14 day return policy with no hassle, so you could always grab one and test it out to really determine if it can work out or not.
Hope this is helpful