"live" debugging


Well-known member
May 22, 2019
Does anyone know of a way to run our study/strategy code line by line for each candle to see if the logic works out? I'm trying to find a way to see why my studies aren't doing what I'm thinking the logic is typed as, and I can't figure out if there is a way to do that.

For example, I would like to see the values of the variables I am using for if statements when the code gets to that part of the study based on the candle data that it has at that time, or be able to see the currently selected variables value in a series during a loop.

I figure what I'm asking for means I have the possibility of starting/stopping the study in real time, so I'm sure it has something to do with the compiler I use and not motivewave.

Any suggestions?

Edit: I got some data to show for me using the export value function. so I can use the Cursor Data window to see on each bar what certain values inside the study are. The only thing I am still trying to figure out is how to see my study "acting in a live setting" where I can see the logic being tested as the code goes line by line.
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Well-known member
May 22, 2019
I use System.out... and watch the values in the log file. It would be great to debug the way you wanted but I think it is not possible since the platform code is obfuscated.