Evolving POC/Value Area on TPO/Volume Studies

+1 Tradovate Has this in their default platform and now that I am accustomed to it I can't switch to MW without it. (Using Demo now). Everything else seems great.
Developing POC/VAH/VAL from multiple periodic/fixed range volume profiles are the main reason i keep running Tradingview in the background, would be great addition to MW.
+1 Developing VAH/VAL is a must! Please implement this. Thank you.
so this would give visual of where the poc/value area has been. the first thing come to mind is a heatmap. also interested in this request
+1 please add this feature for developing value area hi/lo - also pervious session vah/val
+1 please add this feature for developing value area hi/lo - also pervious session vah/val
Can't believe it's still not implemented, was first requested in 2021! It's been on Trading View for ages!
Developing POC, VAL, VAH, and TPO POC, TPO VAL,VAH
Previous day POC, VAL, VAH and previous day TPO POC, VAL and VAH.
We need to have these with labels by the price guide with options to turn lines off and on, Most of us like a clean chart so the labels by the price guide are essential.
Id suggest not continuing to develop anything else until these bare essentials are part of the default setup.