I have an ES chart with 2x AVWAP, one from the All time high, and the other from the covid low. A simple textbook usage of AVWAP. However if I go from a 15m to a 4h timeframe it will switch in about 3 seconds, but spend about 40 seconds until it draws the AVWAP and the platform is unusable (mind you the AVWAP it draws is very wrong because its only starting at the start of the visible bars, which is also a big problem in the implementation of this indicator). So as a crappy solution, I have the AVWAPs visible only on a daily, but that now means when I switch to daily or weekly it can take over 5 mins until the AVWAP display and the platform is usable again. That is not how this should work. Why is it recalculating every time? Anyone run into a similar problem? Any solution?
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